Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mom Stuff Part 1.

Sheesh. My mom stuff post has been delayed by.... mom stuff.


I have a 2 year old daughter and 4 year old son. They are wonderful and crazy and exhausting. Being a mom is hard. I don't think people say that enough out loud. It's hard. For example, today my son cried because I cut his toast in half, followed by crying because I buttoned his shirt for him, followed by crying because he "doesn't have enough toys." And so on and so on. In the mean time, my daughter decided to pull all of her and her brother's clothes out of the drawers and throw them around their room, found a marker and colored her arms and legs, and also used her yogurt to finger paint the wall. Not all of our days are quite like this, but plenty are.

The thing is. Nobody talks about these kinds of things. Maybe because of fear of being called a bad parent? Or thinking that you should have more control over your kids? I don't know why, but mom's usually just want to share how funny, smart, or cute their kid is. Nobody is going to say my kid is a little asshole. Well, you know what. All kids, toddlers to teenagers are little assholes on occasion. No matter your parenting.

There are things I could do better, nobody is perfect. But I also know that I am a good mom. I'm a terrible SAHM for many other reasons that I will share another time, but despite it being the hardest job I have ever had, I've got the mom part down.

I truly think that the best thing you can do for your children is to just love them unconditionally. Seriously. Love them and tell them all the time how much you love them. Then there are a hundred thousand other different things you can do to help your children grow and learn, but start out with love. It will build your child's confidence and it will get you through the toughest days.

And just remember. You are not alone, and when your child is throwing a tantrum because they can't have a life sized purple giraffe that flies, remember that all 3 year olds are completely unreasonable and ridiculous.

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